Chinese Measure Words Part 1: Measure Words for People, Body Parts and Animals

In Mandarin Chinese,there are 4 measure words describing for people: 个(gè), 名(míng), 位(wèi), 口(kǒu);
7 measure words describing for body parts: 个(gè), 张(zhāng), 根(gēn), 只(zhī), 条(tiáo), 双(shuāng), 颗(kē);
and 4 measure words describing for animals: 头(tóu), 匹(pǐ), 条(tiáo), 只(zhī).

Measure Words for People

个 [gè]
people; general measure word
一个朋友 [yí ge péng you]
a friend
一个男孩儿 [yí ge nán háir]
a boy
名 [míng]
people with status; members (formal)
一名律师 [yì míng lǜ shī]
a lawyer
一名党员 [yì míng dǎng yuán]
a party member
一名记者 [yì míng jì zhě]
a journalist
位 [wèi]
people that you show respect (formal)
一位客人 [yí wèi kè rén]
a guest
一位老人 [yí wèi lǎo rén]
an old man
一位老师 [yí wèi lǎo shī]
a teacher
口 [kǒu]
population of a family
两口人 [liǎng kǒu rén]
two persons
三口人 [sān kǒu rén]
three persons

Measure Words for Body Parts

个 [gè]
general measure word
一个鼻子 [yí ge bí zi]
a nose
张 [zhāng]
objects that are flat; paper
一张脸 [yì zhāng liǎn]
a face
一张嘴 [yì zhāng zuǐ]
a mouth
根 [gēn]
thin, slender objects; thin, flexible strands
一根头发 [yì gēn tóu fa]
a hair
一根手指 [yì gēn shǒu zhǐ]
a finger
只 [zhī]
one of a pair; small animals
一只耳朵 [yì zhī ěr duo]
an ear
一只手 [yì zhī shǒu]
a hand
一只眼睛 [yì zhī yǎn jing]
an eye
一只脚 [yì zhī jiǎo]
a foot
一只胳膊 [yì zhī gē bo]
an arm
条 [tiáo]
narrow, long or twisting objects
一条腿 [yì tiáo tuǐ]
a leg
双 [shuāng]
pair of objects which naturally come in pairs
一双眼睛 [yì shuāng yǎn jing]
a pair of eyes
一双手 [yì shuāng shǒu]
a pair of hands
一双脚 [yì shuāng jiǎo]
a pair of feet
颗 [kē]
small objects
一颗牙齿 [yì kē yá chǐ]
a tooth
一颗心 [yì kē xīn]
a heart

Measure Words for Animals

头 [tóu]
big-shaped animals
一头猪 [yì tóu zhū]
a pig
一头牛 [yì tóu niú]
a cow
一头驴 [yì tóu lǘ]
a donkey
匹 [pǐ]
horse and wolf; bolt of cloth
一匹马 [yì pǐ mǎ]
a horse
一匹狼 [yì pǐ láng]
a wolf
条 [tiáo]
narrow, long or twisting objects
一条蛇 [yì tiáo shé]
a snake
一条鱼 [yì tiáo yú]
a fish
一条龙 [yì tiáo lóng]
a dragon
只 [zhī]
smaller animals
一只鸟 [yì zhī niǎo]
a bird
一只猫 [yì zhī māo]
a cat
一只狗 [yì zhī gǒu]
a dog
一只羊 [yì zhī yáng]
a sheep
一只鸡 [yì zhī jī]
a chicken
一只鸭 [yì zhī yā]
a duck
一只鹅 [yì zhī é]
a goose
一只老鼠 [yì zhī lǎo shǔ]
a mouse
一只青蛙 [yì zhī qīng wā]
a frog
一只蝴蝶 [yì zhī hú dié]
a butterfly
一只猴子 [yì zhī hóu zi]
a monkey

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